It’s time For Every City and County to Adopt Vision Zero

Last year there were an average of 12 deaths a day on Texas roads.

It’s been over 20 years since Texas saw a day without a single traffic death.

It’s time to ask your local elected officials to adopt Vision Zero
We are asking the leaders of every city, every county, every metropolitan planning organization, and every transportation agency in Texas to adopt goals and action plans to end traffic deaths.

We are looking for leaders in every city, every county, and every MPO to join our Every City, Every County, Every Life (ECECEL) campaign because together, we can end traffic deaths in Texas.

  • We believe that three dedicated people can change a city, a county, or a whole metropolitan region.
  • We &City will supply research, data, training, and materials, but you will need to go to city hall, to the county commissioners court meetings, or the MPO policy board meetings and ask for them to center safety in all transportation decisions.
  • And then you need to go back again. But this time bring some friends. And get people to participate in a letter writing campaign. And keep asking.
  • We will keep working on this until every city, every county, and every MPO in Texas has adopted a goal to end traffic deaths and serious injuries – and we hope you will too.
  • Please take a moment and SIGN UP to be a leader for change in your community.

Sign Up

Not sure how to get started advocating for your community to adopt Vision Zero, check out Farm&City’s The Texans’ Guide to Vision Zero Advocacy in your City, County & MPO [PDF]


Texas Vision Zero Cities, Counties & Regional Agencies

While not all the cities and counties represented on this map meet the Vision Zero Network standard for what represents a Vision Zero community, we believe it is important to recognize the cities, counties and other governmental agencies that have fully adopted and implemented Vision Zero policies and action plans, or are working towards that goal.

If you know of any other communities or governmental agencies that have adopted, or are working towards adopting Vision Zero, please feel free to let us know at

Vision Zero Texas - We can end traffic Deaths in Texas

Vision Zero Texas works to prevent and end traffic deaths in Texas, and is a project of Farm&City – a 501(c)(3) think and do tank dedicated to high quality urban and rural human habitat in Texas in perpetuity.

For questions or more information please contact us at 

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